Cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies / SG iron

Customers Criteria: Free from all contamination
Material: SG iron
Component: Hydraulic Pump Bodies
Contamination prior to cleaning: 6 Micron KDC2

Ultrasonic Cleaner Cleaning Fluid Temperature(s) Concentration
Kemet 30 Galvex 17.30 70-80°C 5-2%
Kemet 30 Tap water 30°C 100%
Kemet 30 DI water + Korrostop 5000 30°C 0.001%
Versa 120 Dryer N/A 90°C N/A

Process for cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies:

Galvex 17.30 provides both cleaning and anti corrosion protection in one stage, and has very good rinsing properties. This allows us to use an additional DI water rinsing stage with a very concentrated anti corrosion product called Korrostop 5000 to ensure no oxidation. The bath was filled with tap water and diluted with a 3% concentration of Galvex 17.30. The bath was allowed to heat up to the required temperature of 80°C and degassed for 10 minutes.

The part was placed inside a Halar coated basket with the lapped face down. This coated basket will ensure no metal on metal marks are left on the lapped face. By positioning the contaminated area towards the ultrasonic cavitation we ensure optimal results.

Cleaned for 5 minutes in Galvex 17.30 then rinsed in a static tap water bath for 1 minute to remove the soapy residue. Next the part was rinsed in the additional DI water rinse tank with the Korrostop anti corrosive agent for 3 minutes. Lastly the part was dried as before for 5 minutes at 90°C, flipping over to allow the pooling water to escape then back in for anther 5 minutes.

Results: Visually good with no signs of any lapping residue and no oxidation.

Before cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies

before cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies

After cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies

after cleaning Hydraulic Pump Bodies

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BSI number Q05919

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